Elder Law

Many people believe Elder Law and Estate Planning are the same.  However, the practice of Elder Law is unique because it is characterized by a specific type of client, not by the type of work practiced in a specific field of law.  Estate Planning Law generally relates to issues like asset protection, preparation of a Last Will and Testament, formation of Estate Trusts and Living Trusts, and Probate for clients of any age.  The practice of Elder Law often includes Estate Planning, but it addresses other issues as well.

Elder Law focuses on the financial, medical and legal issues associated with aging.  This includes issues related to protection of property interests, guardianships, entitlement to public benefits, and health care decision-making through Powers of Attorney for Health.

Elder law is important because families are often faced with difficult decisions as their parents or family member age. Often, the aging family member has not made provisions for their medical or mental disability or death. This leaves the caretaking family member unsure about the decisions they must make on behalf of the aging person and sometimes leaves them unable to pay for the care of the aging family member. Gretchen Neddenriep listens carefully and helps family members determine the best course of action for their situation. She takes care and time to provide her clients with answers to their questions, guidance and support while she prepares the legal documents necessary to implement the plan that best fits their needs.

If you are a senior, or have an aging family member, and have questions related to any of the following areas, Call Gretchen Neddenriep to set up a consultation today:

  • Estate Planning
  • Creating a Last Will and Testament
  • Powers of Attorney for Health or Property
  • Guardianship
  • Contesting a Will
  • Estate Litigation when disputes arise related to issues, such as capacity issues, fraud, undue influence allegations and other estate disputes.

Call Gretchen Neddenriep
for quality Elder Law representation
(847) 625-7830